Only by paying attention to the whole body and getting beyond the surface pain, will we together achieve healing, balancing and prevention of recurrences. Health solutions can be around the corner for you too. It is time to take your medical care in hand. – Dr. Irène Minkowsky

Build A Relationship With Your Doctor

Instead of building a relationship with a patient, doctors hug the omnipresent computer in the medical office, preoccupied with paper and notes for the insurance company. Patients are frequently met by disinterested, disconnected, rushed physicians, more focused on tests and prescribing medications than practicing the skills of caring for you, healing you and listening to you.

If you are lucky, after an endlessly long wait, you get a 15 minute time slot with the doctor. At the next visit, unless you are dying, you may only see the nurse or physician’s assistant. Virtual examinations on the telephone or on the computer, even before surgery, often replace the thorough exam we spent years to perfect. Patients no longer even undress at a visit.

a stethoscope set on a timer, a calendar with all of the dates crossed out

True Understanding of Your Medical Needs

Tests and more tests; MRI, CT scans, blood work… are ordered these days to compensate for a lack of true understanding of what is clinically wrong with an individual. This is dictated by legal concerns or medical mediocrity and often leads to unnecessary aggressive interventions or surgeries.

The medical profession has forgotten to trust the integration of information obtained from a detailed history, which takes time, with a thorough exam which requires extensive knowledge and palpatory skills. Using the technological millennial approach, you should not be surprised if your condition does not improve. Beware of robotic, repetitive treatments, repetitive tests and overmedication.

Doctors Who Take The Time to Treat the Whole You

Doctors Irene and Robert Minkowsky

In physical medicine and osteopathy, it is clear that musculoskeletal complaints are often the result of imbalances in the deeper tissues and organs: in the brain and nerves, in the endocrine or other hormonal systems or even the gut microbiome. Even when trauma occurs, the musculoskeletal complaint is frequently referred from some deeper structures.

Only by paying attention to the whole body and getting beyond the surface pain, will we together achieve healing, balancing and prevention of recurrences. Health solutions can be around the corner for you too. It is time to take your medical care in hand. Choose your doctor carefully.